CALL US TODAY +1 301-585-6556
You can support affected workers and others experiencing food insecurity by selecting Donate Now or email us at
If you or someone you know needs food assistance, we are here to help.
Register for our Affected Workers Food Assistance Program

Santhiago Ruiz was the first to complete a pilot of science experiment videos launched by the Making Tracks Academic Enrichment Program.
The science experiment videos are among nearly a dozen made by Washington Adventist University undergraduate science majors in Professor Melinda Villanueva’s biology class. Our upcoming newsletter will give you further details on this online learning enterprise.
Go check out this learning system by clicking the button below.

Thank You for Your Continuing Support
THANK YOU! It's been nearly a year since the shutdown began. Each week, thanks to you, ACSGW has distributed over 25,000 pounds of food (12 tons)—enough for 21,000 meals, and about 10,000 diapers for 100 babies/toddlers weekly. More families are coming every week.
THANK YOU for continuing to support ACSGW!

ACSGW Announces a New Partner for Fresh Veggies for Food Insecure Families
Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington announces a new partnership with 4P Foods to provide food insecure families in the Takoma Park East Silver Spring community. 4P Foods sources fresh, high-quality food providing local and regional farmers new markets and equitable access to food. Through the 4P Foods partnership ACSGW can provide a fresh veggie box to every food program participant. This initiative builds on 4P Food’s “food as medicine” program.
A Food Insecurity Grant from the City of Takoma Park and a Montgomery County Community Food Assistance grant provided the funding support needed to provide ACSGW food participants with substantially more nutritional food.
Special thanks to the Montgomery County Food Council and the Capital Area Community Food Bank for their continued assistance in identifying sources of fresh, high quality food.
John Gavin
Executive Director
Adventist Community Services of Greater Washington (ACSGW) was established in 1983 as the collective health and welfare service of several local church congregations. Today, ACSGW is a faith-based, non-profit, organization whose mission helps those less fortunate in our community.
We are a team of donors, community partners, staff, and volunteers who empower those in need through compassionate emergency care, life education, and community development. ACSGW currently provides food, diapers, free thrift shop, youth development, health and fitness, technology education, and workforce skills.
We invite you to join the team at Adventist Community Services in serving the community and help implement this rewarding mission.

Generous donors and organizations in the community continue to join to allow ACSGW to more than quadruple its service to the food insecure during this pandemic! The help families are getting in many cases is a matter of their survival.
Like everyone else, the ACSGW team is hoping for the miracle of a break-through discovery that will take us from the Covid-19 nightmare, from job loss and shelter-in-place, and back to a sense of normalcy. Until then your help making every day miracles is needed.
A Gift for You
Download a free guide that will help pivot you through the changes that Covid-19 has brought and will continue to bring to your life
Programs That ACSGW Donors and Supporters Make Possible

Snapshot Program Updates
Diaper Distribution Program: Deliveries still occur monthly from the Greater DC Diaper Bank. ACSGW currently provides 12,000 diapers weekly to the client base
Healthy Child 1000 Initiative: Good nutrition from conception to age 2 (roughly 1000 days) is critical to development of the infant. Expectant mothers and mothers with babies under 1 year of age can enroll to get a healthy food basket, hygiene items, diapers and weaning foods.
Food Pantry: Is stocked with in kind donations, food rescue from local supermarkets, Capital Area Food Bank, and Manna.

The ACSGW team helps stabilize families in need. Even in normal times, many of our neighbors struggle to make ends meet. They often struggle to clothe themselves and their families, put food on the table, and find the resources they need to exist, let alone survive, in our fast-moving society.
In this time of high inflation, your donations and help can literally mean survival.

Emergency Relief - Food and Diapers
In addition to financial support, ACSGW accepts donations of shelf stable foods, hygiene items, and diapers (most needed size 5-6). Donations can be brought to 501 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910, Monday-Thursday 8am-4 pm or dropped in the blue collection bins at other times.
If you are needing food assistance or want to enroll in the Healthy Child 1000 Program: Call 301 585 6556 Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm or email with a call back number to enroll and make an appointment.
Emergency Relief - Clothing
During this cold winter weather our clothes “closet” is open outside to distribute free warm clothing including coats, gloves, scarves, socks, and other items to protect against the winter weather.
The team at ACSGW is working hard to make sure that items contributed by our community are available to our clients. If you need something you do not see outside, feel free to ask one of our staff or volunteers and they will do their best to help you.
Youth Programs
ACSGW continues to develop youth programs and has recently launched our online Making Tracks Academy. Click here for more details on the (Hyperlink - Making Tracks Academy) and watch this space and our (Hyperlink – FB Page) frequently for information on upcoming programs.
Your help is needed to deliver programs to marginalized youth and their families in Silver Spring, Takoma Park, and other Montgomery County communities as we continue to invest in their future.

ACSGW understands that most people want to take care of themselves and their families. ACSGW offers a hand in helping people learn the skills needed to be self-sufficient. Clients tell us that being self-sufficient allows them to have a feeling of dignity. The newly learned skills also assist them in obtaining employment and career advancement. Workforce training programs include classes offered in ESOL, computer literacy, computer repair, and workplace software.

Health and Wellness
Exercise and the life skill of swimming is important to all of us. ACSGW contracts with the Montgomery County Government to operate the public swimming pool in the Piney Branch Elementary School. ACSGW also regularly conducts health screenings and provides health-related workshops throughout the community.
Click here for pool schedule and fees.

Other Programs
When the needs of our clients cannot be met with ACSGW programs - referrals are made. During the case management process clients are interviewed to understand their needs and qualifications for various assistance programs with other non-profit and government organizations. With this information, it assists clients in finding resources to aid them in difficult times.
Our Team

You Can Make a Change
From a Thankful Donor

Linkages to Learning

A thankful donor

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